Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Final Countdown...Religion in Twitter..

So we're into the last few weeks of college so its all busy busy! For this part of the semester, we're focusing on etchings and woodcuts.  I've decided to do purely woodcuts for my project as this is an area which I absolutely love, it's definitely my favourite process of printing.

I decided to stick with the whole idea of Pope Benedict leaving the church, or as I should refer to him now "His Holiness Benedict"...think I'll stick with Benny though, that's too long :P

I wanted to take a somewhat light-hearted approach to his resignation, the same approach I have when it comes to all aspects of my blasphemy fuelled work.  So, I decided to bring into the project the fact that both him and the current Pope Francis are on Twitter, which I think is just gas altogether.

So I made a woodcut of a Twitter bird with a speech box with the intention of filling things with hand-written tweets "from" Benny.

I then printed this on both Fabriano paper and fabric.  With the Fabriano, using a blue ink, I left some white whilst others I did a tea-stain on them to give them an old look.


Fabric (as below)

After this, I filled in some tweets from Benny.

I also did a wood carving of Benny himself to incorporate into the tweets.

Again I also printed this on to fabric.

My aim for printing on fabric is to eventually sew all these together to form a stain glass window type display.  With the frame currently being built I'm working on 2 more images that I hope to incorporate into it.

Crit tomorrow so fun times ahead! :D 

......sarcasm doesn't come across well in the written form -.-