Monday, 21 October 2013

Joy of Progress Reviews..

So after a tutorial with the lovely Breda, I decided to go away from pen ever so slightly and use graphite instead.  These take a lot longer than pen for me so a lot more work went into them.

I visited the Biennale in Venice earlier in September and came home inspired by some of the art work I saw there.  One such way of displaying the work really caught my eye.  There was a blank piece of paper in one of the exhibitions at the Arsenale, with a mirror behind it so that you could only see what was printed on the paper if you looked in the mirror.  I really wanted to give this a try and felt it would work well in my project.


Next time though when I attempt it again, I hope to go bigger and have the drawing more widely spaced out from the mirror.
I also wanted to base drawings and pieces of work on the 10 commandments as well.

This project has a lot of play on words and contradicting text with images, as seen with my Pope Francis "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil."

Breda also pointed me in the direction of a documentary called "Silence in the House of God."  On seeing that it was 2 hours long and dealt with the issues of the child sex abuse scandals in the church, I thought not a hope would I watch the whole thing, id just get the gist of it.
But alas on sitting down and beginning to watch it I was immediately sucked in.  It was tough in parts to watch as the subject matter was quite sad but it was an amazing documentary that was so well put together.  I wanted to touch on the subject of the scandals but its not an area I would be willing to make a joke about like I do with the other areas of the Catholic Church....I do have some morals after all :P
In the documentary, the boys who are now fully grown men, refer to the priest who abused them as a wolf, a wolf who would creep into their rooms at night looking for their prey.  This gave me an idea of using an image of a wolf as a metaphor for the priest.  Personally I think it would make a good etching which is my next port of call.
I want to mix etchings with screen prints, etch the pen drawings as I feel they would work well, and then screen the words over them.  Once I can start back into the whole print room madness, I'll be happy!




Hello 3rd Year!

So back into the crazy busy world of art college for another year!  Just when I thought Print couldn't get anymore hectic, 3rd year proves me wrong.

For this year, I'm continuing with my religion theme and focusing on the Catholic Church once again.  Last year I felt I didn't get what I wanted out of it, so this year will be different!

To begin with I decided to do a drawing based project.  I came to art college because I love to draw but sadly, I have ended up not drawing the way I like since I started.  So I've been having some fun drawing my holy images in the way I like.

I started with pen drawings as I have an obsession with drawing with biro, always have.  I created my own little happy creepy looking priest who will be the basis for a lot of my drawings.  I decided to incorporate David Godbold's way of doing his art work.  He uses tracing paper to make layers of drawing on text. 

I started an online survey which is where I got a lot of my ideas for my drawings from.  Majority of people had a very negative view and opinion of the church so I decided to show both sides of the argument.  I wanted to show how the church was seen long ago to how its seen now hence the drawing of the nun.  I also was taking bible quotes and quotes from church teachings and contrasting them with images underneath.

A lot of people spoke about how they have their direct line to God and don't feel the need to go through the priest anymore in todays society so as one of the first tracing paper drawings, the line going directly over the priest to the holy heavenly hand above seemed like a good way to show this.