Thursday, 3 November 2011

That low point after a bank holiday weekend...

So to say this past week has been quiet would be a bit of an understatement.  Everyone is suffering from that post-bank holiday depression where we know we wont have any more major sessions until the random week night out of course..but alas, college work shall be the focus for now, as essays as well as the project begin to get more intense.

The past while has been spent trying to further my ideas on from that dreaded assessment...which turned out to not be so bad at all!  It really helped me to focus on the area in my project which had the most potential and the one which I had the most interest in.

I'm definitely gonna stick with people as the focus for my project as I'm starting to really enjoy drawing them and studying them.  I've grown to love drawing with marker and Indian ink rather than using a pencil which is strange as I always refused to experiment with other materials when it came to doing work in my PLC course.   Even charcoal is something I'm getting used to using on account of the life-drawing classes on Tuesdays which I find really good and really relevant to my project.  I find that the class really tests you as you're drawing quickly, doing 1 minute long poses to start with before moving on to 30 sec poses aswel as 10 secs and also drawing when the model is constantly moving.  This helps a lot when I'm trying to draw people on the move around the city or even when I'm trying to draw my niece and are so hard to draw!  The class teaches you that you don't need to catch every single detail of a persons form, as long as you get the shape and posture down, the basic information in other words, you can do so much with it.

Creeping on the family unknown to them...

My Sister 

My mommy 

So that's what I've been focusing on in the past week.  I've been working with the photographs that I took to make a timeline of sorts and instead of focusing on the age of the person, I've been focusing on their postures.  I've been simplifying down all the photos until I'm left with the basic shape of the person.

From here I did some layering of pictures, to create crowded scenes based on the basic shape of the bodies aswel as focusing on one body shape and layering it to make it seem like there is movement in some way.

I also did this on a much larger scale.  My next plan of action is to make life size drawings using lights to project a person's outline on to paper and focus on the posture of their body but on a larger scale using different materials.  As well as that I'm thinking about doing a print of some kind with these drawings, to start with just a simple lino print and then depending on how that goes I'll then decided where it goes from there.

That Friday feeling is fast approaching but a weekend of essay and project work lays ahead...oh well...

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