Have I ever mentioned I'm a massive fan of sarcasm?? Love his work.
As the Christmas holidays edge ever closer, so do the assessments...as well as the whole choosing of the disciplines. After much thought, I've decided I'm going to try out Sculpture, Print and Vis Com. So, on from that, I've spent what time I could this week incorporating these disciplines into my work.
I spent some time in the Print room earlier in the week and did a few mono-prints which I'm hoping to do again next week as well. I really enjoyed it and loved the way they came out. That print room is seriously cold though, thought that I had somehow lost the use of my body at one point....Note to Self: WEAR LOADS OF CLOTHES DURING PRINT WORKSHOP!!
Having gone to the talk on Sculpture, I really liked it and I genuinely didnt think it would be an area that I would be interested in. But I could really see myself getting into that side of things..however...again, Sculpture department located in THE coldest part of the college...I don't think I'm going to survive college for the 4 years at the rate I'm going...I'll be spending my days defrosting myself instead of working.
But seeing as I liked Sculpture, I decided to try my hand at stop motion. I genuinely didnt have a clue what I was doing but sur God loves a trier. So I made lots of little men and made this video. Which is on youtube....mind blowing stuff you guys!!
It's not great but hey it's a start.
So for the weekend, I gave up the comforts of home and stayed in Limmers so that I would be productive. I'm hoping to do a lot of sketchbook work as I'm really lacking in that side of things. I'm not great when it comes to documenting my work..which totes explains why this Blog is so irregularly updated!
As well as that I'll hopefully get some more videos made and some wire work done. So gots to knuckle down for the next while and try forget about my incurable and life-threatning condition of laziness ( I also probably never mentioned that I like to exaggerate? ) and produce some totally kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic work!!
...well, maybe..
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