Thursday, 26 January 2012

Is it Friday yet?

The past two weeks have been the busiest in a long time!  The fact that we only had the bare two weeks to focus on the print project really pushed me to work faster and make decisions quicker.  I found that i wasnt obsessing over things being perfect....more a case of just doing things and seeing how they work out.

I have really loved doing Print though and genuinely think it's the discipline for me.  I love being in the workshop getting messy and designing prints.  I find the whole process of printing really interesting and fun to do so would love to study it further and learn more about that area.  But with the high interest in Print, it'll be a miracle if i get a hopefully i get good marks!

Speaking of marks, got the results of Semester 1's project and low and behold, I PASSED!!!! Genuinely thought i was going to have a freak attack afterwards, was delighted with how i got on.  And my mommy was mega proud of me too, so you never know now she might feed me at the weekend as my reward!

Des decided to give us a mini project to do along with the project we were already doing.  He gave us the title of "Clutter" and we had to design a print with regards to what the word clutter means to us.  So seeing as I'm an expert in the area of mess and clutter, this suited me great!

I decided to look at clutter with regards to a girl's everyday much more cluttered could you get like?

But when i went to take photos for the project, I found that for once my room was immaculate.  This NEVER happens, so why would it have to happen when i actually needed mess?!

But thankfully, i slept in one morning and got ready in a mad rush which resulted in make up and hairdryers and clothes and shoes and what not being thrown around my was a bitch to tidy up but brilliant for research!

So these are the photos I decided to go with out of all the clutter in my room.  For my actual print, I decided to go with the last one which has the close up of my boot which i actually squeezed myself into my shelf to take...the things i do for art!

Thought this would make a cool print once done.  So working from a standard photo size of 4x6, i etched on to a sheet of acetate using a scribe and then printed it.  I really liked the way they came out once I had decided on using the rusty orange, red tones of ink.

My Favourite one

So now, the 3 groups that are doing print over the coming weeks are going to do this same project so that these prints are going to be put together to make one huge collage....about 120 in total which should look cool!

As well as that i've still been working on my main project and did a few more prints with regards homelessness.  i also did a lot of contextual work this week and came across an amazing photographer called Tom Stone.  His photographs of the homeless were truly inspirational and i used a lot of them in my research.  Each picture shows the eyes of the homeless person and gives their background stories.  Shot in black and white they are simple yet extremely effective.

Homelessness was never something i gave an awful lot of thought to prior to this but on doing research i actually really got affected by it.  Just reading these people's stories would kind of get to you and i think they helped me to get a better idea of what to present in my prints.

Gonna miss doing print seeing as tomorrow is assessment day and i've finished the two week elective! On to Sculpture next week which i'm kinda iffy about...not sure if i'll be any good at it but sur we'll give it a go anyways!

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