Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Why are Wednesdays so unproductive?

The second week of Graphics means illustration time!  This time around we are allowed to forget about type and bring across the meaning of our metaphors purely through images and ideas.

Surprisingly challenging to come up with something smart and clever when you are tormented by creative blockages all week!

I began by taking my metaphor literally.  I made the cucumber come to life and made it into a cartoon character who shows how cool he is in different scenarios.  I had great craic doing this but unfortunately, during an auld bant with Pat, I was banned from drawing him anymore...sad face! :(

Here he is in all his some he's loosely based on a man named Paul who bullied me into mentioning him in my blog...he'll do anything for a bit of fame and exposure that one..

So after getting over my devastation of no longer being allowed draw my lil cucumber, i began to rethink my whole concept.

I still wanted to work using inspiration from the 60s/70s so i did a bit more research on the era looking at things such as the music and the history of that time.  The Beatles were pretty much in their hay-day at this stage so a lot of the music world is dominated by them.  But also at this time war was rife as the Vietnam War was in full force.

From this, I started to look at images of war and of finding ways to some how use them with my metaphor.

I then came up with the idea of substituting guns and missiles for cucumbers.  In a way it's showing an initial idea of war being "cool" but absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.  I'm just starting to work on this idea so hopefully i'll have something more solid before Friday's final crit where we'll be marked.

Graphics - challenging the few brain cells that RAG week spared...

So after the madness that was RAG week,  it was straight into our final elective.  Graphics or Vis Com was my final choice.  I was iffy about this one because i had done Graphics during my PLC course last year and hated every minute of it.  But i decided to give it a try in college and prayed that it would be different.

On the first day, we were given metaphors with which we had to work for the two week period.  My metaphor was "As cool as a cucumber."  This instantly conquered up images of relaxing, laid back and being carefree.  So beginning with a mind map, i wrote a list of words which i felt described my metaphor.


Mind Map

For the first part of the project, we had to work purely with text and no illustration to bring across the idea and meaning of the metaphor.  I began by researching font types to find a suitable one.

From this research I began to work out a concept.  We had to design two before Friday's crit.  I did some experimenting with the type and tried my hand at a 3D representation.  Playing off the "cool" aspect of the metaphor, i literally froze the words in a block of ice.

Following on from this, for my first one, i based it on the 1960s/70s era.  To me, this era is the epiphany of relaxed and cool.  It was an age when hippies and flower-power were in full force.  I researched some ads from that time and noticed that the majority used a blubbly style type and lots of colours which i incorporated into my concept.  

Then for my second, I decided to go a little different with the meaning of "cool".  What makes you say the word cool?  Something that's different right? So I thought why go with the cucumber as we know it, why not change it.

Because a cucumber is a natural thing, i decided to make it look unnatural and make it something you wouldnt expect.  Cucumber = natural = edible. So why not have it made of metal?
I used a straight almost severe text to get across the idea of modern and to show the concept of metal, the word cucumber was made from tin foil.

At the crit on Friday, my work got a pretty equal reaction.  When a vote was taken of how many in the class preferred one over the other, they both got equal votes.  So i was free to work with whichever i felt better about.  I think the first one, the 60s/70s one appeals more and works better as a concept.

Illustration next!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

I hear Rag Week calling....

And so sculpture has come to an end.  During those 2 weeks i've learned that I am not 3D orientated at all and that food poisoning has to be the worst sickness ever.  I had it at the start of this week and it meant i missed a day plus chances to do not a great week to say the least!

I focused a lot on the melting of different materials this week.  Actually really enjoyed this side of things....the child in me came out when I got my hands on the hot gun! Loved melting crap!  I felt like Phoebe's brother Frank in Friends who tried to melt her phone....i was looking everywhere to see what i could melt next!

Melted sculpture made from UNREAL bubble wrap with hot wax thrown over it

Melted forks and knives

Melted spoons

More melted spoons!

Melted bottles

I didnt want to completely forget about the twisting side of things so to introduce some colour, i rolled paint on to numerous brown sheets, twisted them and left them for a few hours.  When i came back i unravelled them all and saw the different effects that this had had on the paint.

But as much fun as melting was, i did eventually run out of things to melt.  So like i did with my paint throwing video (which was sooo fun to do!) i thought about how things were after they had melted.  So using paper, i showed a solid block of colour that slowly melts away on to the floor.

Assessments are on in the morning.  I'm happy to be moving on now at this stage, i didnt do great but at least i can say i tried it.  Now home for the weekend to catch up on some badly needed sleep and then RAG WEEK BABY!! 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

So Far, So Not Good...

So one week down and one to go.  Sculpture, i have decided, is so not for me.  I dont think in 3D, I think purely in flat 2D work so i'm finding this 2 week elective pretty challenging.

I've changed direction yet again and gone with the words "to twist" and "to melt".  These seemed more interesting as i got a creative blockage pretty early on with my original words.  So seeing as I had no clue what I was doing and apparently Sculpture is all about experimenting, I started to twist random materials.  I began by twisting the rubber tubing from bicycle wheels along with paper to make an installation of sorts on my studio wall.

From there I started messing with wire and twisted them into different shapes and then hung them under the installation piece.  no idea what i was doing, i was just trying things out.

I was starting to get stuck and lose interest at this point....which is why i spent many a day in the library.  But i was being productive!  Well kind of.....I did start daydreaming at one stage only to be greeted with a lovely sign which almost worked to get me back concentrating on the job of reading magazines!

And of course when i had loads of work to do, I found other things to do.  Which is when i decided that my plain pink folder looked boring.  So I made it pretty!!!!!!!  Amazing the things you can do when you're bored and start playing with a Sharpie marker!

Then on going home at the weekend, I started to think about the melting side of things.  But instead of just melting stuff straight away, I started to think about how things looked once they were melted.  In other words i skipped a step in the actual melting process and decided to show the end product first.

I thought the best way to show this was by using paints.

So on a freezing cold Saturday morning, I headed out...climbed on to the roof of a shed...taped massive rolls of paper on to the side...and proceeded to randomly drop paint down over the edge.  And what i got on finishing was actually pretty cool.

Sincere thanks to my brother Gary who braved the cold and did the photography for well as making sure that i didnt break my neck climbing on and off the roof!!

So for the final week of this elective, I'm going to incorporate the two words and try and make more experiments before the final assessment on Friday.  To be honest I cant wait for it to be over.  And then Rag Week, yayyy!!