The second week of Graphics means illustration time! This time around we are allowed to forget about type and bring across the meaning of our metaphors purely through images and ideas.
Surprisingly challenging to come up with something smart and clever when you are tormented by creative blockages all week!
I began by taking my metaphor literally. I made the cucumber come to life and made it into a cartoon character who shows how cool he is in different scenarios. I had great craic doing this but unfortunately, during an auld bant with Pat, I was banned from drawing him anymore...sad face! :(
Here he is in all his some he's loosely based on a man named Paul who bullied me into mentioning him in my blog...he'll do anything for a bit of fame and exposure that one..
So after getting over my devastation of no longer being allowed draw my lil cucumber, i began to rethink my whole concept.
I still wanted to work using inspiration from the 60s/70s so i did a bit more research on the era looking at things such as the music and the history of that time. The Beatles were pretty much in their hay-day at this stage so a lot of the music world is dominated by them. But also at this time war was rife as the Vietnam War was in full force.
From this, I started to look at images of war and of finding ways to some how use them with my metaphor.
I then came up with the idea of substituting guns and missiles for cucumbers. In a way it's showing an initial idea of war being "cool" but absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary. I'm just starting to work on this idea so hopefully i'll have something more solid before Friday's final crit where we'll be marked.
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