Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tuesday evening slump...

So this blog is all about my Photoshop work.  I take this class as part of Multimedia every Tuesday evening.  It's fair to say I was never a fan of Photoshop cause I could never use the damn thing!!!

But just a few weeks in and I've finally learned the basics as well as being able to bluff my way through a few other parts of it!

We started off easy, just taking images from Google and making wallpapers which got us used to cropping, transforming, canvas size etc. Basically the very basics of Photoshop.  So to start with I took an image of a donkey (just because I had got one as a pet on that day!) and took different sections of it.

I then changed image size, copied layers and fliped the images to form a wallpaper.
I also did the same again using the image of a puppy just to get used to the whole process.

From here we then went on to learn how to layer and change the filters.  So using the images from the first half of my project i.e. the stolen trolley, I layered the photos to form new compositions.

So that basically covers everything we've begun to do in Photoshop over the past few weeks. During my tutorial with Breda Lynch this morning she mentioned that she liked my distored imagery of the trolley, so using Photoshop I'm going to continue working in that way.

As well as all this, tomorrow is the beginnings of the last stage of printing for this project.  Started etching so got to get my plate prepared using the acid and then hopefully have it all printed by Thursday evening!

Have a feeling the next few days could be a bit of madness in the Print workshop!

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