Wednesday, 7 November 2012

There's a chance I may be on my way to hell...

So we're into the home stretch of Semester One with only the bare 6 weeks left so its gonna be busy busy busy!

Last week we were given our new project briefs of either "Humour" or "Protest".  This time around we were able to choose which one we wanted ourselves or alternatively use both briefs within the one project.  When I began to read the briefs I thought protest would be easier but since brainstorming I've changed to humour.

I decided to base my project on Religion, in particular the Catholic Church.  I myself am not religious and Catholicism was always something that I questioned greatly growing up.  To be honest, I'm pretty sceptical of organised religion; in a way I've always seen it to be like some form of brainwashing cult.  While I have always remained open to the concept of a God or multiple Gods in our universe, I don't believe in the Church and the basic worshipping that goes on.  Why do we have to go to mass to speak to God, when we can have our own direct line?  Why put our faith in priests and the Pope when there are more and more scandalous stories surrounding them coming out everyday?  And I don't even have to go to the extremes of the hideous child sex abuse scandals.

You only have to look on the Churches attitude toward wealth.  A certain vow of poverty is spoken about often in religion, people who decide to dedicate their lives to God give up material things and the chance to marry to totally devote themselves to God.  A life of chastity, poverty and obedience.  And that all looks lovely on paper but in my opinion, the reality doesn't add up.

Pope Benedict says (or something to the effect!) "Love your neighbour, help the poor and needy"....yeah, all while he sits on his golden throne, with his big ass ring and more than comfortable living space.

So that's why for my project I decided to zoom in on this aspect of religion, in what to me is a humorous way but to others it could be offensive.

And yes I do realise I'm committing blasphemy but I really don't care?

For instance, how many of you laughed at this image?

So baring all that in mind, I went through a few different images of things that people worship instead of the Church and then images I associate with Religion.

So my image will more than likely be the Pope looking a bit evil. More work to be done tonight on composition before I make the final decision and transfer the image to the wood block to get it ready for carving :) 

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