Sunday, 12 May 2013

Etchings, acid, mighty craic...

I worked on a new image to go along with my Pope Benedict theme.  I based my etching on the Ring of The Fisherman.  This is basically the image which appears on every Pope's ring.  Its an image of Saint Peter who was a fisherman by trade.  When a Pope dies or in Benny's case, leaves the church, the ring gets destroyed.  Therefore every new Pope gets a new ring.

So playing on that idea, I took the image of the ring and made it look as though it had been destroyed, broken into 4 pieces.  I hadnt intended on doing an etching but when I came up with this image I felt it would look really well as an etching.

Starting out I did just a typical etching, submersing the plate in the acid, applying bitumen etc.

The image of the ring wasnt standing out as much as I had wanted so I decided to then do a quick aquatint on it to make an effect on the background of the etching plate.

This came out much better.  I decided to incorporate this print into my stain glass window display aswel so I printed on fabric.

As well as prints, I'm working on a drawing stop motion which take AGES to do. Its not very neat or professional looking but I've never attempted this before so hopefully it'll be watchable when its done.  Also working on a documentary for Martin's class on the "unsung heroes" of the art college, the people who work behind the scenes.  So we've basically interviewed Anne the librarian, Sean the receptionist and the lovely Noel, the caretaker and thankfully it's coming out really well :) Just have to put the finishing touches to it and then that's another thing off the to-do list.


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