So aside from last week's dramatic occurances with losing half my work, I've been working on some video and sound pieces over the Xmas break until now. These take quite a while to do as I'm never sure what it is exactly I'm doing whilst editing. I tend to wing it a tad seeing as using editing software is not my strong point. For the video pieces I wanted to use them as another means of displaying some of my photography, as well as incorporating typical "church sounds".
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I also worked on a sound piece, which I have in my head to use as part of my work in our exhibition in February. Its the typical sounds you hear whilst in mass and played on a loop I think it would work quite well in that situation. There was an error whilst trying to upload just purely a sound piece so for the purpose of the blog, I had to include a black background image to upload to youtube but it is primarily made for the purpose of a sound piece.
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And as a final piece of work before the assessments Tuesday, I also did a bit of extra Photoshop to again bring across my idea of the meaning of Religion and the church in today's society, how some people have forgotten what the true meaning of Religion and having faith means and of course, the materialism of it. good to me..