Saturday, 7 January 2012

Bitta divine inspiration wouldn't go amiss now..

Seeing as I was supposed to keep this blog properly updated over the holidays and subsequently didn't (totes by accident!) I may as well throw in another post seeing as I cant sleep.  How I'm going to get my body used to going to sleep at a reasonable-ish hour for college next week is beyond me!  Glad lectures aren't starting back yet.  3 hours of CCS after very little sleep is so not fun.

Guess it's about time I mentioned the artists that i've been looking at for some inspiration over the course of my project.  I was amazed to find just how many artists base their work on world's made of paper and how simple yet extremely clever a lot of them are.  Of course when I came up with my idea of paper people becoming 3D I thought I was brilliant and well on my way to being a famous artist of sorts....then  you do the research only to find that someone else pretty much had the same idea as you.

For me, that someone would be Peter Callesen.

The man is a genuis!  All of his work is soooo simple yet so effective.  The fact that he can have just one figure on a big plain white sheet of paper, and still produce such thought provoking and entertaining work says a lot.  Like my work, he uses the negative and positive to produce his work.  they both tell a story, the negative producing something new in the positive or vice-versa.

This piece of work by him is one of my favourites.  The fact that it's so simple I think makes it all the more effective.  there's an almost comedy to his work that yet still manages to tell a story.

Stop motion, which a lot of my work is based on, is of course an age-old practice.  It's the most simple thing to do, however obviously it is very time consuming.  But when done well it can be so effective.  the following video, which was made for a Converse ad, is one of my favourites and was probably the one which started off my interest in Stop-Motion animation.

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