Well that happened me yesterday. Why couldn't it have happened me like 2 weeks ago when I'd have time to do something about it??!!!
To try and over-come this panic I decided that i'd skip sleeping last night, so armed with jaffa cakes, cans of coke and ryvita biscuits I took over the dinning room and went about creating some master pieces for the night. HALF SEVEN this morning I went to bed. To say i was tired was an understatement. However, I did get some stop motion done that I've been wanting to do for ages.
This one is different from ones I've done before in that everything was made from paper and the only similarity between this and the last ones I did was that I didn't have a clue what I was doing.
It's a bit rusty but I can barely keep my eyes open at this stage so it will do!!
Looking forward to going back to Limerick tomorrow, totes missing all the gang. If the assessments werent on then everything would be grand! I'm on really early Monday morning though so at least I can get it out of the way.
Now I must clean the dinning room before my father has a heartattack and then I have TO SLEEP!!!
Planning on going to bed at 9pm on a Saturday night, how cool am I?
Night night people x
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